Friday, October 18, 2013

Update on the Shasta Camper & Supplies Needed

Hello All,

Operation Sleep Tight is currently taking donations for the mobile distribution site.  Through Operation Sleep Tight, there are various ways to get involved in serving our homeless neighbors and friends. 

One way to get involved is to help the kids stock up the mobile site with supplies.  We are currently asking for the following items:

Bar Soap
Travel Size Kleenex
Plastic Silverware (to be dispersed into baggies)
Deodorant (both male & female)
Travel Size Wipes
Toilet Paper
Socks (any size, both male & female)
Band aids
Travel Size Lotion (many deal with dry skin)
Gallon Size Ziplock Bags
Sandwich Size Ziplock Bags

We can pick up donations on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings or they can be dropped off at one of our homes during the week.  An address will be provided upon request.

Any monetary gifts can be sent to Reunion Christian Community's Paypal Account: 
Please click on "give" and enter in the Paypal notes that this gift is for Operation Sleep Tight's fund. 

We will be updating our list as needs arise.  If you'd like to receive our emails, please send us an email and you'll be on the list. 

Operation Sleep Tight will be going out weekly to a couple of different locations as we partner with other organizations that serve the homeless community.   We would love to have families join us once a month when it is convenient with your schedules. 

In the past two years, the kids of Operation Sleep Tight have handed out 207 sleeping bags to our homeless neighbors.  The desire to have a mobile distribution site started with a dream of one young boy.  It became a reality when the members of Reunion Christian Community donated enough funds to purchase the Shasta Camper.  The outside of the camper is almost complete and renovations to the inside will begin in the next few weeks. 

If you have any questions or would like to partner with us in anyway, please feel free to email me at 

Thank you,
Jackie Rizo